Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 49 - May 11, 1959

this has been a grand day.  It has marked the anniversary of my arrival into the hologram, which makes it even more special for me (it's all about me, you know? hehe). There's something special about feeling loved, more than any other day of the year, and today, I totally felt that way. 

It all started when.... hhehe  I can see you yawning already!  But I will continue anyway, hehe.  In my pack we have a tradition.  Whenever we celebrate the anniversary of someone's arrival into the hologram, we wake up really, really early. Before the big light bulb comes out, and sing a special song to the B-person to wake him or her up with song and presents. So, Diva and Mr. Grasshopper, faithful to tradition, woke me up with their beautiful voices, hugs, kisses, presents. What a way to start your day!  After giving Mr. G his morning meal, we headed up to the learning house.  We did not have any profound conversations this morning.  How could we? Our ride from the palace to the learning house is only 4 minutes long!  After dropping him off, the calls started coming in. First it was Mr. Deli from the Great Tenochtitlan, with all sorts of good wishes, then it was Ladylust, the Toothfairy, my dear Mrs. Yum, the HouseWhisperer, Mr. Ambassador, SoccerBoy, Mr. and Mrs. Convert, even SugarGorilla!  I felt loved and adored!

In between calls I worked as much as I could.  I also did the Mayan ritual. Closing one cycle and starting a new one. I had to include all of the elements. So I sat on the green turf and brought a glass of H2O and some incense with me.  The universe provided the wind element.  I thanked each of them. That felt sooo good.  I really feel like I've let go of something. A big heavy weight. I don't know what that is, but my own vibration seems lighter to me. Not today, although today I am reflecting on it, it has been happening throughout the last couple of weeks.  I'm changing. For the better. I'm happier, more playful. More intuitive.  I like this!

When I came to old Faithful and looked in the HeadBook page, I realized how many thoughtful people I have crossed paths with. There are pages and pages of wishes of love, happiness and well being.  Aaaahhhh!  I'm not going to delete them. Not one single one of them!

As if the universe were confabulating in my favor, today I received notice that I was granted a nice project. I tell you. The universe doesn't take long to respond.  Last night, when I placed my head on the fluffy, my mind was full of questions about what to do, what's to come.  I asked the universe for answers, and today they started rolling in.  One project here, an interview there. Things are moving in the right direction.

The time for the mid-day meal came around and I met with the HouseWhisperer and SwimGirl for a quick bite.  It was fun.  I am so grateful for the friends I have attracted on this trip to the hologram. Each one of them. And every time that I complete a trip around the shining star, I take a few moments to thank the universe for each and every one of them. Today was no exception. After picking Mr. G up from the learning house, we came back to the palace and I took a few minutes to reflect on each and every one of my friends. I love and adore them all. Each one of them for the particular joy that they bring into my experience.

Then I spoke to the Author. She's embarking on a new adventure with Mr. Gecko.  That boy is so smart that the learning houses have no idea of what to do with him! So the Author (I should really call her Mrs. Smart) is taking on the task of providing him with his academics. Go Author!!!!! Hats off to you!!

After picking Diva up we headed towards a nice eatery, compliments of the Manager and the Sensible One. The food was amazing and we were all in a cheerful disposition.  They informed us that they've got the castle!!! Hip-hip-HURRAY!! What a beautiful adventure they are embarking in together!

Well my friend, you have been witness of how a new cycle begins.  Nothing out of the ordinary right? Just a regular day.  But it is all in the way we want to look at it.  I chose to have a magical day, and a magical day it was!

I hope your day was magical too.  And in answer to your question, yes, I got my answers! :)

Ta-da for now!

1 comment:

circe said...

Happy birthday Channel!!!...the fashion tendency now is to say: happy solar return!!!
A mayan ritual!!! You HAVE TO tell me about it hahaha!!! (if there isn’t any wind or any incense available, when in doubt, an empty glass will serve you very well, also a feather, you can also use a pen to represent the Element of Air!!!)