Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 102 – July 5, 2011

If you ever wondered, the answer is yes, we do receive messages from "the other side," and they don't come through CNN, I promise. The Universe is constantly talking to you in ways that you understand. In ways that have a meaning to you, and sometimes only to you. In my case, the Universe communicates with me through everything! Hehe Gotcha! No, seriously. I find that the hawks, the butterflies, the enchanted princes, even the weather, are communications from the Universe telling me that things are being taken care of. And speaking about hawks. Today I enjoyed the presence of one of them again! He was standing on a tree, just watching and making sure nothing escaped him. They are such powerful creatures. You can sense their presence just by the strength of their gaze! Take a look at this baby here. Strong, isn't it?

And I'm not alone on this. Native Americans believe that hawks are messengers, that they are guardians and provide for their family. To them, the presence of a hawk is a reminder to be alert, to pay attention and be cognizant of things that we sense and things that we don't sense. They describe the hawk as the Great Spirit with keen eyesight. I can certainly see why they would say that! They also say that hawks come into our lives to guide us to a higher plane. I just find all of this fascinating and beautiful. And because I do, I will keep on talking about hawks.


Today wasn't really a very eventful day. I did see the Book Dealer. It is always a pleasure. Then I dropped Mr. G at the exercise chamber and took off to get him a present for his anniversary. You see, the real anniversary of his arrival into the hologram is tomorrow, so it is a tradition in my family to wake the anniversary person up, very, very early, with the traditional birthday song from my country. Something about waking up because it's daylight and the little birds are singing. You know what I mean, right? That means less sleep for YoursTruly, so I will soon be hitting the nest. Crashing and burning like some say.

The rest of the day was spent trying to finish work. Hehehe I have to laugh at myself because I think I say that every day! The work is never done. And that IS a good thing… for now.

Anyway, I waited too long to come speak with you and now the curtains feel super heavy. Tomorrow I will make an effort to be here earlier.

Thank you for the recommendations on the movies. Those of you who didn't know this, you can check out the comments that others have left on the blog.


Love you tons.



La Moni said...

No había estado leyendo tu blog mi querido Canal... ¡¡y acabo de leerlos a todos los que no había leído de un solo tirón!! Y fue divertido y también "mensajero". He encontrado un mensajito en todos los escritos que no había leído. Y fue una buena cosa. Una maravillosa cosa. El Universo siempre nos habla, sólo me pregunto por qué a veces estamos tan reacios a escucharlo.
No estoy en medio de un contraste, al menos no lo considero así, pero estoy en medio de "entender" un proyecto que el Universo trata y trata de decirme y que no logro descifrar aún, y eso me ha tenido enojada. Digo "ha tenido" pues el enojo ha cedido a la risa: "ya lo entenderé a su debido momento".

Te amísimo como siempre (que siempre es más) ¡¡¡Y ERES UN SOL!!

PD: Yo no he visto halcones ni mariposas; es muy difícil por esta época del año en que todo parece gris debido al invierno. No suena ni un grillito. Pero en cambio me han aparecido de todos lados hermosas imágenes del mar... ¿no es hermoso? Si no las veo en fotos o imágenes, hay alguien que me habla de él... y tengo la sensación de que muy pronto nos conoceremos el mar y yo.

siempre viva said...

We used to have the same tradition in our home when I was growing up... my dad will always have the honors of the music, too bad I did not do it to my children, maybe I should while they are still here with me, is it too late?
I think all the messages from the Universe will have the meaning that we give them, I like finding them everywhere just like you do, yes the Universe revolves around you... I have a "deal" with the hawks as well and their presence in my life has a very meaningful and lovely/always happy message to me! I love them as well... butterflies? I just like them...

Patricia Designs said...

Querida Channel,
Si los animales, el tiempo están a nuestro alrededor para darnos mensajes, entonces siento que soy muy afortunada. En Noviembre 2009, cuando regresaba del trabajo me encontré con un hermoso venado, cerquita a mi casa. Me quede atónita, impresionada, y trate de no hacer ningún movimiento brusco pues quería admirar su belleza. Era un venado joven buscando comida cerca al rio. Me sentí la mujer más afortunada del mundo que viviendo en una gran ciudad como Toronto me encontré con un venado a unos pasos de mi casa escondidito entre los arbustos cerca al rio. Gracias universo.