Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 131 – August 9, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Tomorrow is a big day for our dear Grasshopper as he starts the first day of his Not-Lowschool. I must report to you that Mr. G is a little bit on the anxious side of things but excited as can be. So…Everybody: cast those magic spells, send those positive thoughts of love and flow to the Grasshopper! (I told him I would do this..hehe).

As far as I am concerned, I had a pretty good day. It started by going to a house of law with the Grinch in order to settle old discrepancies. Everything went well and HisBenchman was very nice. We were out of there in no time. That felt so good! It was like having this pending matter dangling over there. Now it is settled! Thank you Universe!!! Mr. Grinch was actually using is Mr Charming fascia today so we had a nice conversation.


Yesterday the day was spent working at the other lawhouse for a new YourBenchwoman. It was an intense day as far as work is concerned but a learning one and I always appreciate that. I did crash and burn on the nest almost immediately after I got home. I had been up since the ungodly hour that follows 2 am and was leaning heavily on the tired side of the scale. This morning I felt like a million Washingtons!

Oh! You're going to laugh. Guess what I was hearing on my way to the lawhouse? Aretha's R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Now, is that empowering or what. It seems to me that it was also fitting to the situation!

Oh, I saw my butterfly today!!! Yay for butterflies!!! It is so nice to see that the Universe is with me ALL THE TIME. Now I shall retire, have a little time with The Boys, and then… off to another amazing conference with the fluffy!!!

I hope your world is as magical as mine. By the way, thank you for sharing your story about the butterfly up in the snow. It was priceless!!!

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