Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 184 - January 3, 2012

Life is slowly going back to "normal" (or whatever "normal" is around here!). today I enjoyed a day of labor with YourBenchman. It was nice and everything went smoothly. I could feel The Boys coming in and helping whenever I was at a loss for words. The environment felt peaceful and soft, regardless of the place we were at. NIIIIIICE!

Mr. G also had a great day.  Early this am we traveled to Mr. Buff's lair and I dropped his little anatomy there. Mr. Buff later took him to the learning house where he met with the rest of his ball-chasing team.  After my day of profitable labor at the lawhouse I traveled to the place where the chase-the-ball match was to take place.  Mr. G proudly started the game and played like a champ! The match was nice and the weather was not-hot-at-all; and that is the reason why YoursTruly and the Grasshopper set course towards the AstroDollars to buy ourselves some hot beverage of the sweet kind. Yum-my! Very much deserved, as I could barely feel my tactile members after the game!

On our way back to the palace I had another one of those great interactions with the Grasshopper.  We spoke about our dreams and how we would like to make them come true.  He spoke about his dreams and about different places around the hologram where he would love to visit; confidently he said: "... and I will visit all these places because The Boys have told me that as long as I don't question it, it has to come true. Maybe you should try it some day." Yes, you guessed right.  This channel suddenly felt like if she was many years younger and sitting in front of The Boys themselves, being admonished.  How much truth!  How simple and wise Mr. G's were!  Maybe I should just try not to question that my dreams WILL come true!  Actually, I am learning to do so and they are coming into manifestation. Some quicker than others, but they are!  When my turn to speak came about I told him that I had a few dreams: first, to retrieve to a small town (hopefully the one in my native country) for a few months to write and finish my second biblos; second to take a trip with him to the country that looks like a boot and spend a long time traveling around big and small towns; and third to attract Mr. Right into my life experience.  He thought for a moment and then said. "That sounds easy, channel! You should be able to do this with your eyes closed!  Just think about how many of the beings that follow The Boys have come back to you with stories of success.  If they can do it, so can you!"  Don't you just love my backyard creature?  He's definitely a keeper!

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