Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 134 - August 18,2010

Howdy Pardner! I am writting to you from CowboyTown! I am here attending a gathering of the professional kind.

Yesterday was pretty heavy on the eye water s5de of things.  I believe I mentioned to you that the Manager held a very nice gathering in honor of Diva. Well, it only took a toast for the eye water to start flowing freely. So much so that this day I received several messages of support. Hehe.  I'm not going to lie, saying goodbye to her today was one of the toughest things I've done in a long time, but that's who I am! I let the eye water flow and I am much better now. Now it is time to wish Diva the best of experiences in the city that never sleeps!  LETS HEAR IT FOR DIVAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And speaking about messages, one was from Mr. Buff, who had an important gathering today.  I was proud to see that he is leaving everything in the universe's hands. And he will get what he has asked for!!!

I travelled to this city in the company of young Mr. Brilliant and had an opportunity to talk about business ventures. It is always refreshing talking to him!

The next 3 days will be full of activities, but I will try to come by and talk to you.  Just know that you are never forgotten!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 133 – August 17, 2011

This just got to stop! I started day 132 four days ago and it seems like the universe keeps making things interesting for me so I don't finish! Let's see if I can accomplish that tonight. Here's what I started writing…

Hey!!! Remember me? I know! It's been such a long time. I have stayed so quiet on the blogging side because life has just been not boring at all. You see, what happens is that with Diva's imminent departure, Mr. Grasshopper commencing this new cycle at a new learning house and YoursTruly involved in many gainful and non-gainful activities, by the time I think of sitting in front of OldFaithful to talk to you the eye curtains are dropping fast and I tell myself "I'll do it in the morning". Ha! Morning comes around and it's "get up and run!" I am not complaining though, because the universe has been so very good to me, but I have certainly gained more clarity in the concept of time!

These have been days packed with emotions for me. Some wonderful, others don't feel that good. Contrast, at the end of the day. On one side, things are very good. I have been called more and more often to speak in other languages for YourBenchmen, this has helped bring a better outlook on things; and on the other side 'reality' has brought plenty of contrast. With Diva's departure on one end and tightness of the wallet on the other, the combination has been perfect to help make my vibration heavier. Sometimes you just have to trust that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that it is not coming at you. You just have to keep on walking through that wall of smoke knowing that relief is already on its way. It is flowing towards you all the time. So, lately, I have been doing a lot of deep breathing and turning cheeks. Hehehe.

On the fun side of things, I must tell you that my butterflies are back! I had not been seeing them every day like I used to. I thought it was maybe due to the not-so-cool weather, but I am happy to report that they have been stopping by to visit me every day for the past week or so. It is amazing how wonderful it has felt having them around again!

And how about Mr. Grasshopper, you ask? Well, Mr. G has been busy adapting to his new learning house and gaining more and more confidence is his amazing self. This new stage in his academic studies is demanding more time and effort from him, and he feels pretty proud about it. Lately he has, in more than a single occasion, showed to me just what a profound understanding he has of how this whole hologram works. I tell you, if we only paid more attention to what the "young ones" are saying, we would learn so much about how spirit works through us!
Well, as you can tell, there is not much to report. Again! Thank you for staying around though. And thank you for your emails asking about the blog. You asked, and the Universe responded!!!

Ta-da for now!