Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 33 – April 22, 2011

I've been listening to a lot of music today. I just love it when I get to do that. It started with a song that I really, really like; it's called "Bend and Break," have you heard it? I just love it! Also, Diva surprised me with a present she bought from the proceeds of our book sale: A cd with the soundtrack of a movie we both love. It happens in Greece and the music is from the 70's and early 80's. So I have been packing to the sound of my boyfriend Pierce and my rival Merryl. Happy to report the packing is moving along nicely. The Manager and Mrs. Yum are coming by tomorrow to make us strong. We will have this house packed up and ready to go in no time at all!

Well, I did go to the Poet's home this morning. She had the most amazing breakfast prepared for us. She made zucchini flower crepes. If you've never had them, this is a delicacy in the country where I come from and I don't get to enjoy it here very often. I love being around the Poet. At her house there is always music playing or somebody singing. The atmosphere is magical! So anyway, we had our delicious breakfast together with Traveling Girl and the OracleReader. After breakfast we called in the troops! Sorry, the Boys. It is always a wonderful experience when in the presence of someone who has not experienced The Boys before, and neither one of them had had that experience. At the end there were teary eyes and happy hearts. Traveling Girl has this amazing pet. It's of the feathery kind. Huge and beautiful. Her colors are of a bright red and royal blue. Just an amazing specimen. She can talk too! Well, after a little while she came up to my arm and was mesmerized by the energy of The Boys. She felt so comfortable with me it was endearing!

After that I came back home. Singing at the top of my lungs all the way back home. I love how nowadays you can sing all you want and the people in the cars next to you think you're talking on the phone, hehehe. I remember when people used to crack up laughing whenever they caught you singing in the car J Life is GOOD! I made a dent on the packing or the parking garage.

Then I went to visit Ms. Bite. She had wonderful news to share. She has been a widow for 3 years now and she has found a new love in her life. That is just beautiful! The feeling of falling in love. Nothing can top that. Would you agree? It is such an amazing emotion. You feel like you are on top of the world. Invincible. Just as we should feel every day.

When I got back this evening, Mr. Whiskers was laying down right in front of my front door. This is the first time since I moved into this Palace that he has gotten so close to my front door. It's like if he knows I am leaving and is wanting to spend some quality time around the palace. Hehe

Well my friend, as you can tell, there is not much to report today. I hope your weekend started on the right foot and wish you one of pure enjoyment.

Till tomorrow!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 32 – April 21, 2011

Howdy Pardner! Wow, did that sound Texan or what? I must warn you, today I may not make any sense (OK even less than any other day). I have been working in cleaning and packing the parking room, which has been used as a warehouse for past few years. Oh baby! That's a TASK! Diva worked with me most of the day. You would've laughed. It was like the two stooges. Remember I told you that I tend to get easily distracted? Well, Diva is even more than me. So, whenever I remembered what I was supposed to be doing, I had to remind her of what she was supposed to be doing. It was hard for both of us to stay on task, but we did! We are almost done. Earlier this year water came into the room and many boxes were humid. This ended up being a wonderful opportunity to make space for more important things! Otherwise, had those boxes been intact, I would have not even opened them and carried their now useless contents to the new palace.

But let's start at the beginning. This morning with Mr. Grasshopper was uneventful. We were both in a great mood and things just flowed. I came back home after dropping him off and started packing with Diva, who offered to bring us some delicious coffee. After working at it for several hours, we took a break and went out to lunch. Yummy. And after lunch…guess. Yes! Ice-cream!!!! Who could ask for a better day? We came back home and continued our chores. We haven't finished but have definitely put a dent on it. I took a load of stuff for donation and we took two boxes of books to a second-hand bookstore. I'm afraid my shredder may give up after the batch I have ready to shred!

I loved your advice on how to stretch time! I tried it today but must have not been "all there" as I did not get the sensation that time was stretched or stopped. Will keep on trying and will keep you posted!

Guess where I found Mr. Whiskers today? Underneath a shrub right outside the parking room! I squatted close to him and talked to him. He just stared at me with his beautiful green eyes, turned around and went to sleep. Ah! The joy of being magnificent!

Today I had a moment of clarity. As I was thinking about money and how elusive it is to me, I realized that even though I have given the advice from the Boys numerous times on the subject of money, I had not completely made it my own. "Do not make money the measure of your abundance." "Think about how money feels and not the presence or the lack of it." I finally got it! I am soo happy!!!!

Today I received a call from the Poet inviting me for breakfast tomorrow. Common sense would prevent me from accepting the invitation, but we have already established that I am more like a child (see? I knew that would come in handy one day!) and of course I accepted. I had promised her a session with The Boys and tomorrow may be a great day for that. Our dear MayanReader is here and she would love to have a session as well, so we will do both. I would love for the House Whisperer to be there, but The Boys are still a little too much for her and I respect her position.

I also talked to Mrs. Yum and laughed a lot as I was helping her fill out an online dating profile.

Well, I better go to bed. I am so tired I can hardly feel my feet! Hehehe I bet you I will sleep well tonight.

I hope you do too. I hope your dreams reveal that which you have been wondering.

Happy revelations!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 31 – April 20, 2011

Mr. Grasshopper and I had a breakfast for champions this morning. Prepared by, nonetheless, Yours Truly. Hehehe. Then we took off and he made it to school on time, I think. Not sure. It was right about the time when the bell rings. There is something you need to know about me and time: it doesn't make sense. Seriously! I don't seem to have a good grasp on time (and on many other things). The Boys say it is because the more I become one with the Big Me, the more I become like a child, and children couldn't care less about time, or space, or many other things. Come to think about it, I kind of like this. It gives me the perfect excuse for many, many things! Mmmhmmm! Convenient!
Diva needed a means of transportation, so she took the Red Bullet. I have been edgy all day long because of this (just kidding! But seriously…). She dropped me off at the nosocomium (if there is not a term for this, I just invented it. I figured, since this is my blog, I can do anything I want with it, even if it means inventing words..hehe), where I worked all day. I had lunch with a very dear SW. I truly enjoy her company. Then it was back to the grinding wheel. I did get a feeling of accomplishment although I'm not used to being in front of the screen all day. By the end of the day I was tired but happy.
Today again the universe prepared me for what was to come. This morning I was too sleepy to meditate and I just slept through until it was time to rush out of here. When I got to work I got that same urge I told you about the other day, so I listened to it and went to the chapel to meditate for a few minutes. A few of hours later, as I was walking down a very busy aisle at the grocery store I heard my name called out loud. As I turned around I saw a very humble lady with a face that I remembered very well, but I could not remember the story that went with it. You must know that in my old job I met many, many people every day. I finally approached this person, she had a sad smile on her face and asked if I remembered her. I had to be honest, I told her I remembered her face and her voice as clearly as if I had seen her last week, but I could not remember her name. And then she said it and I was overcome with tenderness and joy at the same time. Many, many years ago she had asked me to hold her little one when he made his transition from the physical. I could not take that privilege away from her, and told her so at that time, but the fact that she even thought of giving me that honor has stayed with me all these years. We hugged and she cried. My eyes were watery when she walked away. Had I not had my moment of meditation earlier in the day, I don't think I could've been as strong. I can't describe to you the feeling that I still hold inside of me. It is like the events that happened so many years ago had happened just a few days ago. Talk about a humbling experience! Everything else, every other single little thing in my life fell in its right place after that!
Yesterday I was starting to wonder where my butterfly of the day had been, but you said something really important. You said something along the lines of me reaching a new level. I saw the hawk instead of the butterfly. That got me thinking. All day actually. You are so right! I can actually feel it! And I think that the experience that I had today was a confirmation of that. Some may think "Come on! You just ran into somebody from your past! This is no special experience," but let me tell you that there have been a few events that have changed me, and the one that happened so many years ago with that family was one of them. I had also lost all contact. And the fact that she showed up in my life so strongly, with such a presence, is indicative, to me, of the forces that I am attracting. Whew! Isn't this just amazing? Doesn't this leave you pensive? AND speechless? Never mind, you don't need to answer that. I'm just thinking out loud. I know experiences are personal and the value and meaning are individual. I am just in awe. Completely in awe.
After I got to the palace I received a call from the House Whisperer. She was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by to say hello. What a welcomed surprise! If there is anybody I know that is always looking at the positive side of things, that would be Mrs. House Whisperer. She is amazingly positive. I have always joked and said that if you tell her that your house is burning down, she'll be happy to know you won't have to clean it anymore. That's how positive she is. So she came by and we went out for dinner. It was nice being able to talk to her one on one. We are usually surrounded by other people and seldom have an opportunity to talk. So we caught up. Boy did we catch up!!! It was fun!
Today I had come to terms with not seeing my butterfly, but as I happen to walk into the Joint Cracker's office, I noticed that she had a group of beautiful papier Mache butterflies on her wall. Ah! The Universe is listening!
Now I am getting ready to sit down and read with Mr. Grasshopper. Tomorrow will be a busy day for Diva and I and I should get a good night's sleep. As always, it has been wonderful talking to you today. Remember to leave me your comments. I read them all. You can also read the comments that have been left here by clicking on the comments link underneath each post.
Hope your day was as beautiful as mine was!
Ta-da for now!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 30 – April 19, 2011

My palace smells like moving. That's right. The cardboard has a certain smell to it, and when you have a house full of boxes, the whole house smells like moving. Hehehe
Today was a productive day. I got up at 3 am for my awesome meditation, went back to sleep and then argued with the alarm clock when it was time to get up again and start the day. Luckily, I did not have to work today so I didn't have to go through the process of figuring out what to wear (another half hour). My morning ride with Mr. Grasshopper was again all smiles. I just love being in Mr. Grasshopper LAMA's company (wink, wink) ;-) sometimes. He is excited about the end of the school year and the possibilities that lie ahead for him. This has been a year of tremendous growth for him. I can't begin to tell you how proud we are of him. He is an awesome young man. This morning he graced me with a conversation about "what ifs." Oh, we had so much fun talking about so many things. The possibilities are endless when you play "what if." And to think that as you are doing that you are actually creating!! Yeehaw for "what if's"! I am happy to report that he made it to school on perfect time. J
After that and after taking Diva to her place of employment I came back to the palace and started packing. I thought to myself "I have all day. I will make a huge dent on this packing job." Well, I had forgotten I had a 2 hour phone meeting which produced another hour and a half worth of work! When I got back home and checked Old Faithful, a big REMINDER came up on the screen. I almost fell off my chair! I had completely forgotten about it! You got to laugh at that! Still, I was able to pack quite a bit and I'm pretty happy with my progress. Thursday will be a big day, as Diva and I will spend the whole day tackling the parking room. Ouch! Just thinking about it makes me cringe.
Spoke to the Manager several times today. She is looking for more proposal recipients. I truly do believe that the right one will fall on our lap, the only question would be "when?" but the more I ask it the further away it moves, so, scratch that, pretend I never said it!
LadyLust was also very present today. She's so funny! She needed to write up something about herself, so instead of writing it, she sends me this electronic communication with the questions that needed to be answered and a brief "Please answer these questions for me." Nothing wrong with that, except they were asking how she felt about certain things that I have no idea about and also what it takes to do what she does, which I had no idea about either! We laughed so much when I thanked her for her vote of confidence but decided it wouldn't be good for me to just come up with whatever information I wanted to make up. She is all excited because she's flying to Quake Central! Ah! The familiar sights, the people you love! The food! Mmmm! I wish I could fit in her suitcase!
Later in the evening I attended a talk on a very interesting subject. Came back home, fell asleep in front of the tube and woke up saying "I need to write" hehehe. So here I am.
Whiskers spent the whole day laying out on the fresh grass and catching a few rays. He didn't leave his spot on my front lawn. It must have felt really good because he seemed very content. I saw him there mid morning and then again later when I left for my class. He looked happy. There were quite a few feathers laying in the middle of the street, so I wonder if he didn't have a huge meal. I can't imagine the neighbor being happy at him. She loves birds. She has all sorts of bird baths and feeders.
Today I didn't see my butterfly, but I saw a magnificent hawk. He took off from a tree around here and spread out his humongous and impressive wings. Such a powerful creature! What a sight! He flew around and then came down close to where I was. For a split second our eyes met and I saw the power of source in them. I felt a quick chill all over. It is the same feeling that I get when Tripod or Freckles look at me in the eye. They are truly connected to who they are, to the source.
Well, I think that's all I have to report for now. Not much, I know, but the best is yet to come! Stick with me. Things can only get better.
Until soon!
Did you see that? We completed another 10 days! Woo hoo!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 29 – April 18, 2011

I am convinced that pets do come to balance the vibration of the earth. You just need to observe them for a little bit and see how much in alignment they are. They are AMAZING! Tonight I spent about 30 minutes watching Tripod and Freckles and they were both so content and happy. Every time they heard my voice, they wagged their tails. When I came back from work they were so excited to see me, but I know that when I'm gone they are living the moment; the now. They are not wondering how much longer until I get home. But when they do see me, they realize how much they love me. Isn't that amazing? What a great place to be at!
Last night I received a call from the Author. She was smoking the last of the cigarettes and wanted to share them with me, so we had a really nice chat. Until the pizza man came knocking on my door. We laughed so much. I could see her sitting on her beautiful patio puffing away while reminiscing of old times. I could almost see MightyTaco seating on her lap, enjoying both her company and the smoke of her cigarette, and Arm Candy glancing out the window away from his favorite show every now and then to make sure she's ok.
This morning with Mr. Grasshopper was again very insightful. In his own innocent way, he spoke to me about how you can help others by raising your own vibration. "So if I feel good, is that enough to make others feel good?" he asked.I was about to explain to him how it wasn't completely that way, when he said: "Oh, I get it, if I'm happy and you want to be happy you will be around me, but if you're grouchy, you won't be able to be with me." I thought that was pretty good. But that was short-lived as he immediately pulled a real-life story. Why then, he said, some people are still around but do not meet my vibration? We figured that the reason for that is for mutual growth and understanding of unconditional love. That got me thinking about my own personal life experience. I think I have grown a lot in unconditional love, but I do have other areas where I need to catch up. It's the same for everyone. We came with the intention of experiencing specific growth. Aaahhhhh! Beautiful!
Oh, before I forget. A few people have asked me how to do the comment thingy here. Well, look at the bottom of this post. There is something that says 0 (or 1 or 2) comments. Click there (it doesn't look like a hyperlink, but it IS!), a window will pop up and you'll be able to leave a comment. Comments don't appear right away because they come to me first. It's the same if you want to read the comments left by others. You just click on the number and they will pop up. I am so glad to see you are liking what you read here!
Today, after dropping Mr. Grasshopper off at the learning institution, I brought Mr. Lou Rawls out and sang all my way back to the palace, where I picked up Ms. Diva to take her to her place of employment. She looked so tired this morning, it wasn't even funny. For me, the day at work went uneventful. I worked seated in front of the screen all day. Learned quite a few new words, saw a couple of people that I love and respect and came back home. Tomorrow is packing day again!
Tell me if this is not funny. Yesterday as Mrs. Yum and I were packing, I found this box of memories from the time of Mr.X. Mrs. Yum and I sat down, I opened the box and talked to her about that beautiful relationship that I had. There were pictures, and wrappers, dried roses, letters, cards, tickets to the opera, you name it, in that box. I told her how much I treasured the memory of how that relationship FELT for me. These feelings are no longer about Mr. X, even though I don't hold any kind of ill emotions or resentment towards him, but these feelings are all about the relationship. Anyway, I had not seen that box in ages, so it was nice and I decided not to get rid of it yet, and just remember how wonderful that relationship was so an even better one could come my way. Well, guess who called last night? Mr. X! LOL Now, don't get all excited, it's not what you think! He called about a totally business matter. But isn't it amazing that exactly on the evening after I have been talking about him, he calls. That just goes to tell you how powerful we are!
My gorgeous beautiful butterfly was a little shy today. As I was leaving the palace this morning, she was sitting on a little daisy all the way down there on the grass. I almost didn't see her! Imagine that! She was yellow and just absolutely gorgeous. I also spotted Mr. Whiskers, only in a very unusual place. Unusual for him, it is. He was perched up on the neighbor's fence. I had to look twice to realize it was him. He turned around and look at me like saying: "take a look at your windshield. I'm all over it."
Well, I think that's about all I can say for now. I'm ready to go watch the tube with Mr. Grasshopper and Diva and then off to a serious one-on-one with the fluffy one.
Hope you have sweet, sweet dreams. Talk to you tomorrow? I hope so!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 28 – April 17, 2011

Boy! Has this been a productive day or what? I'm exhausted! But so happy and with a great feeling of accomplishment. You're absolutely right, we are doing all this packing right now and in a couple of weeks it will be reversed to unpacking and setting the new place up. How fun!
Mrs. Yum came by today to help me pack. OMG, I am so grateful to her! If it hadn't been for her, my ADD would've not allowed me to pack even one box! She kept me focused and on task and I am so grateful to her for that! This morning the call was amazing with the Sunday Morning Gang. I like it how more and more I can remember what was being said while I was channeling. I don't remember the details, but I remember the general topics, and today's topics were, like usual, super interesting and the answers very helpful to many. I love this calls. I can't say enough. GorgeousDownUnder is so graceful! She stays up until very late to facilitate this call with us. She is another one of my reasons to appreciate, I tell you!
After the call, Mrs. Yum, the two yard creatures and Yours Truly went out to have a very delicious breakfast. Then we came back to the palace and rolled up our sleeves. While Mr. Grasshopper and the Lizzard played, Mrs. Yum and I packed and packed (she kept me under a very vigilant eye, I must say).It's funny how one of the subjects on the call today was getting rid of things and moving on. I ran into a few things from the past, looked at them, talked about them with Mrs. Yum, and decided I'm still going to hold on to them for a little bit longer. I have, however, let go of quite a few things today, but I will admit I should probably let go of quite a bit more things. I'll get there. I'm coming into alignment with it. Hehe. Even though this is the tough stage of a move, when half of your belongings are in boxes, which are in your way, your house smells like boxes and dust and you are still trying to live a normal life without going crazy, I am feeling amazingly positive. I just know this is the natural order of things and amazingly enough, it doesn't bother me anymore.
The weather outside was beautiful, and we took many opportunities to sit outside for a few minutes. At some point, as I was sitting on the green turf, I felt a very deep feeling of appreciation for this palace. I have lived a wonderful amount of time here and have created beautiful memories. It never seizes to amaze me how really and truly the movement is always forward. Life brings you to take the next step. In my case it has been my "dwelling" and my job. My life experience has caused me to take the next step forward whenever I have taken too long to take it. Whew! That's heavy!
On to lighter subjects. I caught a glimpse of my butterfly of the day today. She was playing up there, around the top branches of a tree. The sun was shining behind her so I couldn't really tell her colors. All I could see was a happy fluttering of wings that immediately raised my vibration.
Mr. Grasshopper and the Sensible One went to a soccer game later in the day, and the Manager stayed behind to help us pack a little bit more. That was great, because Diva needed some encouragement. Yes, she got her absent-mindness from Moi.J
Tripod finally got a bath today. He needed one badly! Lately he has this new thing, he goes into the only part of the yard that doesn't have green on it and rolls over the dirt like it's going out of style. You can imagine how shabby he looks! He didn't appreciate the cleaning. I think he's still a little mad, but he'll survive. The Manager gave him his bath. She adores him! In the meantime, Freckles was overcome with jealousy. She just didn't know what to do with herself. Kept going up and down the hallway, whimpering. She was so funny!
I hope your weekend was a good one. Mine definitely was. I am really looking forward to this week. I don't even know why, but I am!
Ta-da for now!

Day 27 – April 16, 2011

What a nice day this has been! I have a huge smile on my face J can you see it? Hehehe

It all started when….. well, I got up really early thanks to Freckles who needed to be let outside. So I took that opportunity and sat down to meditate. I tell you, that was NICE. I was all by myself in the palace and there was this quiet and serene atmosphere all around, when the world has not finished waking up yet. I could hear the birds starting to sing. It was beautiful. Then I went to class with the Book Dealer. Such an interesting class! The classmates are a joy and I learned a lot of new things today. After that I came back to the palace and got to work. Doing what? You may wonder. Well, doing what I've been doing a lot of lately… packing! I'm definitely slow. I get distracted so easily! I was laughing at myself thinking if someone was watching me they would think I was a 2 year-old in the body of a, of a, of a pretty old, scratch that, an interesting mature woman! Yikes!

Anyway, LadyLust stopped by to pick up some stuff for the Ambassador. She stayed all of 3 minutes. Then I continued my packing and decided I would treat myself to some raw fish. Yum! Then Mrs. Yum came over with the Lizard and Mr. Grasshopper made his appearance. We had such a good time. While Mrs. Yum and I packed some more, the yard creatures kicked the ball in the backyard. Mrs. Yum and Yours Truly had a great time talking. She had been having some trouble registering for something on the cyberspace. So I used my "magic" to help her out and we got that done as well. Ah! The feeling of accomplishment is priceless! She is still in awe of this, as she had been trying to get this done for 2 weeks now. She kept insisting "You had the Boys in your eyes!" As we were having a delicious oven-baked sandwich we started on the conversation of friendship and the conversation led us to talk about people that are unhappy. Why is it, she said, that some people seem to have it all but are still unhappy? Talking specifically about someone who is always trying to fix something about her physique. I truly believe what The Boys say about happiness. Happiness is a decision that we make at every moment of our lives, not something that happens to us. And so, if we are expecting happiness to come from others or from the circumstances that surround us, we end up being disappointed and then nothing fulfills us. So you may have all the material wealth, but if you don't love yourself and if you don't appreciate everything that you already have, you are eternally looking for things to fix. About yourself and about others. Then we got on the conversation of somebody else who is always pointing out the mistakes or "defects" in others. This particular person is very unhappy as well. And we happily decided that she's probably in the same boat, that her life experience has not brought her yet to the point of understanding that she is amazing and that everyone is amazing in their own reality. We looked at each other, laughed and thanked the universe for what we do have. Ah! Life is amazing!

Earlier in the day I got a call from the Manager. They were at Gambletown and had lost one of their friends. Everybody was worried as she was not answering her device. Something inside of me told me things were OK. And they were. She showed up an hour later with a big smile on her face. Everybody was happy. That got me thinking how amazing it is when you develop your relationship with your BigYou, your Inner Self. There is always that "voice" that guides you and lets you know that the Universe is in perfect harmony and that everything is OK. Ah! The advantages of going with your flow!

The Manager and Diva are back tonight. I was supposed to pick them up but the Sensible One stepped up to the plate. He's a godsend! I was really dreading the long drive! See how the Universe adores me? I am so lucky!

Lizard is spending the night with us. He is such a joy to have around. Those two creatures thought they were getting away from taking a shower tonight. Not after sweating like they did! Yuk!

Look at that! We are 27 days into this adventure! Wow!

Tomorrow is our fabulous Sunday Morning Call! Check us out:

Well, that's all this Channel has to report for today! See you tomorrow!