Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 138 - August 27, 2011

Today has been the hottest day of this trip around the sun. And when I say "hot"  I MEAN "hot."  Seriously, the temp measuring device passed the first decade of the three-digit numbers.  That's how it felt.

Other than that minor detail, it was an exciting day in my corner of the hologram. To begin with, the floor covering washman came over and did an amazing job at cleaning the floor covering that Freckles and Tripod had stained to perfection.  It looks amazing.  Right now I have set the pieces of furnishings strategically located so my two furry friends don't set paw on that area. The Palace smells soooo nice!

Since I had gotten up at ungodly hours of the morning, I then proceeded to take a lovely nap. Oh, how I love napping! When I am able to do so without interruption, I mean. Today was not one of those days. I was just starting to "get into it" when I received a ring from the Manager reminding me that she had setup the monthly face-to-face for an hour earlier than the regular time. Yikes!  I had to get up and movind. Thankfully, I was able to get under the domestic cascade and be there perfectly on time.  Today's session was also recorded, keep an eye on our moving picture channel for when it comes out.

later in the evening I set out course towards the HouseWhisperer's home to a party for Mr. QuietOne who is reaching an important anniversary of his arrival to the hologram. It was a lovely party and got to exchange words with many amazing people. I truly enjoyed myself.

Now it's time to hit the nest as tomorrow will be another amazing interaction with Gorgeous and the Sunday Morning Gang. I must charge my batteries!!! lol

That's all I have to report, but before I leave you, I want to say one more time how appreciative I am of you.  Please know that it doesn't matter if you read me once in a not-blue moon, what matters to me is that you are adding precious energy to this blog, and that energy is what keeps me writing.

I am also so appreciative of my offspring, and so very proud of them. The three of them have turned out to be amazing individuals. 

Report from Diva, in the path of the whirly-twirly:  She is happy and celebrating life with her friends. Life is so good!

Sweet dreams to you!

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