Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 51 – May 13, 2011

Tripod can be the best of companions. I tell you. Did you ever hear that members of the animal kingdom are here to help us balance the vibration of the hologram? Well I fully believe in that. It only takes a few minutes of observing Tripod and Freckles to know that is exactly what they are doing. Whenever I'm in a not-so-positive kind of mood, all I need to do is look down and pet them, and for those precious few seconds that I focus my attention on them, my tension disappears and I forget whatever it is that may be bothering me. Seriously! Try it. Whenever you don't feel that great, just pet your pet, or borrow your neighbor's pet if you don't have one! You will see what I mean. If you don't have a pet at hand, try sitting next to a child. A young child preferably, or hold a baby. The positive vibration can be felt immediately. That nice, very even and very stable vibration. Mmmmm! Lovely!
Today marked the anniversary of Ms Pretty's arrival into the hologram, and ever since the beginning of this day Ms LadyLust and YoursTruly have been trying to understand how, when and where we were going to celebrate her. It was all supposed to be a surprise, but Ms Pretty's h-band took her out for some spirits and I think she may have had one too many, as she fell asleep. If you ask me, that's a great way of ending such an important day. LadyLust had a bread of the sweet kind made for her. I'm sure we will find an opportunity to taste it this weekend.
This morning we had the pleasure of a visit by Cousinlove. I had not seen her since the Manager's event so it was great being able to chat and catch up on family gossip! J After that I took Freckles for her visit to the PetWhisperer. By the way, this particular PetWhisperer used to make my blood pressure rise whenever I saw him, but today the Universe showed him to me in all of his glory. Hehehe. I can't stop laughing, even when I think about it. To begin with, he seemed to be in a not-so-good place when we saw him, and secondly… give me a second, I am still laughing, I will preempt this by telling you that I am not making fun of him, but the situation itself was hilarious. Well, as he was checking Freckles' hearing anatomy he had to bend down to hold her and his pants ripped open. The whole seam. But that was not the funny part; the funniest part was when his assistant looked down at him and just couldn't hold it any longer, he looked at him, then at me and then he let out this huge laughter. Loud and contagious. To make a long story short, we all ended up with tears in our eyes. I think even Freckles was laughing. I'm sorry to report the spell has been broken. I will never see him under the same light again.
I spoke to Mrs. Yum. Today was such an important day for her! She passed her written exam!!! HURRAY FOR MRS. YUM!!!!!! I am so proud of her. I know how much this means to her and it brings me so much joy to see her succeed. Tomorrow will be a busy day for The Boys. We will start the day with a teleconference in my native language; then, in the afternoon, we will have our monthly meeting here at the Palace ( We have several people signed up for tomorrow. This is very exciting. Sometimes we have 15 people at the meeting, other times we have only one. It really doesn't matter because only those who need to be there are the ones who make it. J Then on Sunday we will resume our regular Sunday call with Precious DownUnder and the whole Sunday Morning Gang. (Check it out: it's a free call).
This evening was another great one with Mr. Grasshopper. Since we ended up staying at the Palace, we decided to watch a moving picture together. Spending time with him is a treat. Tonight we were both feeling so good we only spoke about how grateful we are for having attracted each other into our experiences and being able to co-create on this one. Looking at him I realize how it is what The Boys say about how we are always a better version, we are always improving. I look at Mr. G and realize that he has been exposed to these teachings at a very young age and so his world is completely different already. I realized that this is how the world changes and evolves. He is living a world that is much more open to spirit than the world I grew up in. I can only imagine how it will be when he reaches my (very young) age. And I'm sure that when I come back again on my next trip, my world will be even more evolved than his is right now. These are the things I ponder upon when I have my "Aha!" moments. I hope I didn't lose you there!
And speaking of "Aha!" moments, I wish that is all I needed to do and focus upon during my days. But I came here to play the games and so I get pulled to participate even when sometimes all I want to do is watch my butterflies! I say this because there are some legal proceedings that I must participate in and I wish I did not have to. I have been leaving it up to the Universe to take care of it and so far it looks like I will have to play. I don't give up though, the Universe has some amazing ways of surprising me when I least expect it. It couldn't be any other way. The Universe adores us and is completely at our feet. Speaking of which, we have submitted my first work ("The Universe at Your Feet") for consideration of several people that know. Will keep you posted!
Well dear, dear friend. I believe this is it for today. I think I've shared all the bits and pieces of the day with you. Thank you for sticking around. It means the world to me. And speaking about "world", did you know that we are now officially being read all around our planet? Pretty awesome, huh?
Now it's time to hold a serious conversation with the fluffy. It's calling my name! Sweet dreams to you. Remember to write your lists of appreciation! THEY WORK!!!
Ta-da for now!


siempre viva said...

It is funny, I just don't understand how after such a wonderful laughter sharing you see Mr. Petwhisperer with less than raising-blood-pressure eyes... I love my pets as well I am with you on that point friend...
Can you imagine Mr.G. at your age? I can!!! is going to be just like you!!! Yeiiiii!!!!!
I enjoyed you conference today and I am looking forward for tomorrow how fortunate I feel, the Universe adores me too!!!

La Moni said...

Te había escrito un comentario larguísimo e inspirado que se perdió después de un cartelito que decía "lo sentimos mucho pero no hemos podido llevar a cabo su operación"...
Y es una lástima pues me había inspirado en serio; es para mí siempre emocionante entenderte a pesar de que a veces no logro entender todo pues juegas con las palabras o escondes a las personas detrás de ellas... pero no me impide entender-TE y por otro lado lo hace más divertido.
Mi lista de agradecimientos incluye eso: es un placer saber de tus días y disfrutar con ellos (entenderte entenderte a pesar del idioma)...
Hay otro GRACIAS hoy pues "los muchachos" lograron que me riera de mí misma a las carcajadas.
El comentario anterior era más largo y poético, pero no importa. Me basta con haberme reído con la anécdota de los pantalones: imaginar tus carcajadas ya es un regalo.
Y saber de la espiritualidad de el señor Saltamontes
Te quiero bonita... ¡¡qué bello que es este mundo!! Y es hermoso que me digas siempre que el Universo está a nuestros pies y nos adora. ¡Pues es cierto!!
